Belmont Class Vessel. This ship is part of an overall animation project that features some events leading to the battle of Donatu-V. The other players (at the moment) are the K-7 space station, Three Klingon D-6s, lots of weapons fire and more than it's share of venting plasma. So to get it all started here are a few images of the ship although some details will be changing as required by a pre-TOS ship.
Of course when I drop my Viper and go back to this due to animation fever I will, of course, place all the blame with Lloyd.
No? Yeah, kinda like that my self and am glad you do too.
OK, it's officially Lloyd's fault. I'm going to take the CG time I have for the coming week (although it may not be much) and will devote it to the Cairo. First up is the finalizing of the upper saucer details and waiting for the new (old) nacelles which arrive on Tuesday.
Although please don't tell Tholian that I was going to render a test of... err, well... nevermind.
And I've never hijacked my own thread... until now. Before we get to the Cairo here is something for Tholian. Not sure if this will end the torture or begin it.
--EDIT-- For some reason it's not showing the attached file. I guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way.
Hey 4MM, if you are doing the Gilbert, I never had a front shot of her, and was thinking of having the Deflector dish recessed into the bottom of the saucer section like that of the Akira Class. That or right on the front of the saucer, Blue like that era deflector dishes look like, and just across the front kind of like the NX-01.
Just in case you were wondering. LOL
I always thought that the Reliant needed something like that on the front, and the same with the StarGazer.
Yes indeed, Gilbert class. That's one of two areas I need to talk to you about. The utmost in my mind for it now is it's hard to tell what you had in mind concerning the nacelle pylons and how it all fits together into the saucer and impulse area.
After that when I get something more worked up I'll start a new thread for it. But I guess one or two more OT posts here won't hurt anything as I've nothing new to show yet for the Cairo (although I'm actually making a few design decisions and justifications as we speak).