WOW! Two important groups coming together for next year's new Starship design. Can I place my special order, for one of the first, off the assembly line?
If I ever make the modls for it. LOL But you never know.
As for tying them in, I am going to post the Design here as well so we have an idea what we are looking at.
the top section I thought would be just the Cover, or Flat pieces going along the surface of the Primary Hull. And the the parts where are tied into the Engines go up on an Angle like the Original Enterprise.
As for the Deflector dish, I think it would look good if it was in like the Akari class.
That is the nice thing about ST ships, you can change them, and they still look good. I like the direction you are going. The Akari is a cool looking ship, but not like it's evil twin (NX-01).
While waiting for the Hurricane to make up it's anthropomorphic mind I've formulated a question. And I'll just bet this is the perfect bunch to answer it. Here goes...
How wide (and deep) are the gridlines? Assuming 1:1 scale and given X as the overall outside diameter of the saucer just what are the dimensions of the grids? If we can track down this info then I think we can start turning the lights on.
That there, (except for the bridge being so dark) doesn't look half bad.
As for grid lines, X being a factor of the of the Hypnosis triangle clearing the derivative of two equal sides, making the parallel of the screen lines coming in conjunction of the two outer inclining triangles…………
I can’t even balance my Checkbook without a calculator, and you want me to tell you what???
Fair enough, I'll keep it as a smoothie for now until others check in on the gridline issue.
Some refinements to the mapping levels:
I've investigated having the main dish installed in the lower half of the saucer. If the intent is to keep the same shape as the Connie then the size of any dish that has full clearance from the front is in my estimation too small. So the forward rim may be the best place but I'll post a render that shows what I'm talking about and you can tell me what you think.
The tube you see represents the "cookie cutter" that would be used to cut the hole in the hull. The dish itself would be recessed in the resulting hole. What'cha think?
I think your right, but how about coning it in to the deflector dish. Like the Enterprise "B"
If that looks like crap, then yea, the front rim, just cut it in and recess it a little. So looking from the side, it looks to be full round, but from the front, you can see it in there. Know what I mean? If it can be done.
Well we'll try some stuff and see what you think. I'd really hate to take a chunk out of the forward rim like that because I really think the torpedoe launchers could be placed there quite nicely.
Now let me go on the record as saying the refit nacelles are now at the top of my list of things-that-really-are-lots-of-no-fun to model.
Having said that here is a quick hatchet job on the pylons you don't want to see any closer. The nacelles are sitting farther back (relative to the saucer) than in your drawing to keep the pylons from being set at really akward angles (that saucer curves up dontcha know). So, what do you think? Am I cose? Please bear in mind that the pylons were whipped up pretty quick so you'll probably notice areas that don't quite match up as they should...
OK, here's my idea of putting all the pieces together in a structurally sound yet visually interesting way. Note that these are placeholder shapes meant to convey the idea behind the engineering.