I bought this model back in the 80's, when Dr Who was on Alabama Public TV. I started it, but then forgot it. I found it a few months back, and thought to get back to it. This is the Cyber-mat of the Cybermen. The sworn enemies of the Doctor. Here is a photo of what I have now. I will post more as work goes on.
The Cybermen were robots, and they used their Cyber-mats robots to attack, and inject some kind of poison, and kill their enemies. This model is similar to Tom Baker's episode WHEEL IN SPACE.
Ahh, the dreaded Cybermat. So far so good Lloyd. And if anyone has opportunity to see this past season of Doctor Who (with Christopher Eccleston) I highly recommend it. It was as they say Fantastic!!!
PAL stands for Phase Alternating Line and is the television standard used in a large part of the world including the UK. The other two are SECAM (Sequential Color Avec Memoire) and NTSC (National Television System Committee). Sort of like JPEG vs GIF in that they both are images but they arrive at the result in different ways.
Please forgive the long response but I'm (among other things) a videophile. I've even been known to get arrested just so the Sheriff can get a commercial edited. Lloyd can tell you all about that story.
I did a search online, and found a photo of the Cybermat from the series, that I am building.
The model is different from the series. It has spines on the back, but I am not going to do that. I like the antennas and the eyes are different. So to put it plain, the attached photo is how I am building mine.
4MM was dragged in, in the wee hours of the night. Lets all sing now "Bad boys, bad boys. What you going to do, what you do when they come for you."
No update yet, I keep forgetting to get primer. Tomorrow. Any idea what to glue ABS plastic with, that is strong. I forgot what I used 20 years ago. Of course, I can't remember what I did yesterday. The curse of modelers,brain cell die from the fumes.
I use the 98 cent Wal-Mart primer. It has worked good for me. I just got a can today, to prime to see where else to putty. For the eyes,the ones that came with the kit,I lost. But that is not bad, because they were wrong. So I am making new ones, from the plastic dome thingies you get junk toys, in what use to be called bubble gum machines.
I use the same Primer. Krylon Gray. Works great sometimes. I have found that it doesn't always like certain Resins. But that is probably because of the different grades of resin.
I use the Krylon Paints as base coats for a lot of projects as well. Works good and real cheap. Now they have the Krylon for plastic. Supposed to adhere and grab the plastic better then the normal stuff. Just haven't had the chance to try it out yet.