That's just about the strangest expression I've ever seen on a cat! The last time a saw a cat like that (27 yeas ago to be exact) there was burning sulfur involved. Don't ask me where he got it from or how he lit it.
That's just about the strangest expression I've ever seen on a cat! The last time a saw a cat like that (27 yeas ago to be exact) there was burning sulfur involved. Don't ask me where he got it from or how he lit it.
It is but to tell the truth I know exactly how he got it. I wan't always the upstanding citizen I am now. In a related note Heisenberg got it wrong. Just don't leave the box closed for too long... Yeeesh!
I did not take the picture of the cat; I got it off 4MM site. So if you are asking me what I did to the cat, it wasn't me.
But in my younger days when I was stupid and didn't care, I wanted a cat to leave my yard and never come back. So I rubbed Turpentine on it's butt, and it took off like a bullet.
Funniest thing I ever saw, but I have remorse for doing it now.
As for me, one year I got a chemistry set for Christmas. I was 14 or so. Instead of finding a cure for some dreadful disease or other such help for humanity I scooped up a neighbor's cat (vile evil thing that it was) and introduced it to the smell of burning sulfur. Like Tom's victim the cat (vaile and evil thing that it was) couldn't get out of my yard fast enough. But hey, it was trespassing wasn't it?
It was funny then and perhaps still a little humorous now but still not a smart or kind way of treating that poor cat (vile evil thing that it was).