Just wanted to say hello to all you members, twalker invited me at the IPMS Forum, so here I am! I run a small studio in Daytona Beach where we specialize in making prop reproductions of our client's requests. From "off-the-shelf" kits we create small scale reproductions of the big props used in the movie studios. Please visit the site to get a good sampling of the many different work we do, it's located at www.simonmercs.biz, or www.thekitfactory.com . The most recent creation is the lighted UFO from the Invaders series of the 1960's. At only 7 inches in diameter, it has many Lighting features, such as interior controls, Engines and Landing Lights, and the rotating Strobes at the top of the Saucer. Something spooky just in time for Halloween! Our next project is a prop quality NCC-1701 TOS Enterprise made from a 22 inch Ertl Cut-Away kit. I do bi-weekly updates on page "On The Workbench" for visitors and clients to view the latest progress on current projects. You can see many articles of many of my builds on starship modelers "On Line Build" section. I am attaching a few pics of the Invaders Saucer for your consideration.
Monsters in Motion's site sells a very good Rotocast version I use for my lighted builds. The old Lunar Models version is hard to find, and being vacuum-formed, hard to work with. There is only a 2 inch Wingspan difference between the 13 inch MIM version, and the older LM 15 inch Wingspan version. The main advantage to the bigger LM version, is that it accomodates CCFL Tubes, with it's larger internal cavity. These are more consistent and bright than the LEDS I use in the MIM 13 inch version. Matter ofpreference mostly. First picture link shows an "FX" style shot of the LM version, notice the even Light spread in the front "Cabin section". The second link shows the "LED" lighted MIM version. Both very cool in a dim light setting.
Well thank you all for the kind words, and making me feel very welcome. Glad you like my work, after 35 years, I think I'm starting to get the hang of it!
Thanks Griff, nice to see you here as well. I'm pretty much chained to my workbench for the next 6-7 months, but I've always wanted to attend one. You never know, one day I'll actually make it to one, it could happen. Never seems to be enough time to do it all. Just getting old and slow!
If anyone cares to check it out, I am about 50% of the way done on an Ertl 22 inch "Cut-Away" version of the NCC-1701 , Original series Enterprise Star Ship, a personal favorite. This one features a scratchbuilt Shuttle Bay, only 1 3/4 inch by 3/4 inch! I have done many augments and accurizations to make it as nice as possible, within set budget, for my client. Still working on Primary Hull and Engines as of today. Should have it completed in the next 2-3 weeks. Check out the bi-weekly updates at the link.
If anyone is interested, I am currently working on a 22 inch Ertl Enterprise from the original series, the NCC-1701 I remember as a kid. I have incorporated a "scratch-built" Shuttle Bay utilizing the 1/2 section provided with the kit. Using a lot of DLM after-market parts as this kit really sucks for accuracy. Interior illumination, Engine "fan" Lighting effect, Navigation lights and Strobes, Lighted Shuttle Bay interior, and a lot of fine "Deflector Grid" detailing to be refined as the Painting stage arrives in the next couple of weeks. Updated bi-weekly and accessible through this link to the "On the Workbench" page of my site. Still kind of rough looking at this stage, but promises to be a sweet build once completed. I'm about 2 weeks into it a this stage.
Well I have to recommend the 18 inch version for an easier build, and slightly more authentic detailing. This puppy has a lot of problems with structural integrity if you plan on lighting it and altering the stand to a base to coupler situation. I have re-enforced each "cut-away" segment, that was designed to allow a view to the interior, with a lot of epoxy compounds and Apoxy putty. Getting that Engineering Hull section to be unified, and strong, was not a small order. The Primary Hull fits poorly as well, the Engines are OK on fit, but so inaccurate, you have to change most details on them with the DLM after-market parts. The Primary Hull's window arrangement was totally wrong, re-did all the wrong ones and covered the wrongly placed ones. On a scale of 1-10, I give this kit a 3 for poor fit and bad design. However, with a lot of time and patience, you can get a very spectacular 22 inch version of this classic Star Ship. It's my first love, and always will be from that show. The Engineering Hull should actually be lengthened right behind the Deflector dish about and inch, and the Engine Nacelles should be moved forward about an 1/8 of an inch to be correctly proportioned. I have limited time and funds to do this so I tried to concentrate more on the Lighting, and quality of Paint Detailing rather than trying to alter every facet of the kit. Hopefully, a 1/350th version of this Ship and the Reliant, are on the drawing boards at Polar Lights. What a display that would be!
Visitors to the website can now see some more progress on the Enteprise NCC-1701 build going on at the present time. I managed to get some Lighted shots of the Primary and Secondary (Engineering) Hull today. Model is still in rough shape, Saucer section only held together with clamps, no detailing yet, but this gives a nice glimpse of what's ahead.