To "celebrate" the close of another modeling season and in anticipation of another looong winter spent below ground. I went through and cleaned up my shop. I found things that I thought were lost forever like half of my drawing tools, my foam cutter and one of my older dremels. I also went throught the kit stash and thinned the herd a bit. Mostly took some of the kits down from 6 of each to 3. I also rearranged the paint bench and hard plumbed in the Compressor.
I set up another bench with the chopper and razor saw stuff to get it out of the way on the build bench.
One of these days I'll take some pictures of the shop. IT's still too small and I need more electrical outlets and more light but it's home.
Doc Wiseman Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Chance Favors the Prepared Mind. Too Dumb for Opera, too Smart for NASCAR.
I've only been looking for that Dremel for 3 months. My drawing tools are always strewn about the place. The only problem is that now I can't find the scratchbuilt rear axle for my Pro Stock 1955 Chevy Nomad.
Doc Wiseman Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Chance Favors the Prepared Mind. Too Dumb for Opera, too Smart for NASCAR.
Everything you need will turn up after you don't need it anymore. I'll be cleaning up my shop (aka "The Fortress of Solitude") on Saturday so I'm sure I'll find all sort of things as well. Here you can see my shop in a much cleaner state that it is now (as well as the build I was working on at the time)...
And a reverse angle (The thing you see on the lower left is a shelf that I have since installed opposite the shelf you see on the upper left of the picture)...
Nope, it will show up immediately after you make a new one!!!!! Almost as soon as you are done!!!!! That's one of modelings Murphy's Laws!!!!!
Well I built another one and still haven't found the first one. My guess is that I picked it up accidentally with some of the detritis from the bench and dumped it in the trash. New one looks better anyway. Got paint on the chassis today and primed the Pontiac 421 Mill. Now I have to re fab the firewall because the one I built is a shade too tall for the hood to drop on right.
Doc Wiseman Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Chance Favors the Prepared Mind. Too Dumb for Opera, too Smart for NASCAR.