Solid wood flooring panels are very valuable, it is also required to spend more maintenance effort. Spring rain, especially in the south, or the lower the household, it is easy to get damp ground, this time often cheapest method of waterproofing exterior walls need ventilation, the main purpose is to let the floor dry wood moisture equilibrium. Sunlight will accelerate the wood floor paint and glue aging, also cause shrinkage and cracking of wood flooring.
After the rain water, wood floor expansion deformation caused by moisture absorption, serious but also make the floor moldy. So, in the rainy season, the front must pay attention to close the advantages of wpc pavilion window to avoid the rain or sun exposure. Solid wood flooring prices are more expensive, so when in use should be more care. Solid wood flooring finish flooring is both decorative layer, a protective layer is the floor.
Therefore, we should avoid a hard object impact, scratches, metal friction weapon like chemicals can not be stored indoors how much does wpc fencing cost. In addition, interior furniture moving, moving with care, furniture legs should put rubber pad hides. In public places, and so should bedding carpet in the main channel.