The Long Island Scale Model Society will be hosting RepLIcon XXIV on Saturday, March 28, 2009. Please join us at the Freeport Recreation Center in Freeport,NY from 9am to 4pm.
This show centers on two special theme awards - "The 1960s" and "Big Builds". Several others have been added via sponsorship. Over 46 adult and junior contest categories will be judged, with awards covering every type of model from planes, tanks and ships to cars, figures and science fiction. Hobby enthusiasts will find many of their favorite vendors on hand, so come ready to shop for those hard-to-find kit or model supplies you need. A large raffle drawing and Make 'n Take event for the kids will also be part of the day's activities. RepLIcon is the first and largest show of its kind on Long Island, so don't miss out!
For more information, visit our web site at Download a flyer and fill out your contest entry forms online. We hope to see you there!