For you first attempt, they look really good. If you had not said so, I would have though you done more before. And being TOS, that is a nice touch, since ST just turned 39.
Yeppers, they were really my First attempt at figures with skin tone. I need to do a little more on shading and highlights to get as good as some that I have seen.
Darth was really my first attempt at a figure since I have got myeslf into a club and learned some tricks of the trade.
As for my First Figure, I think it was when I was 8 or 9 and it was either Aurora Godzilla, King Kong, or AMT's Mr. Spock with the Snakes. But that is many many moon ago!!
I didn't know until I was doing a search that they came out with another Spock model for the Motion Picture. Luckly the guy was selling two of them. I never see these kits up there anymore and wonder how rare they are.
Did you notice on this Spock kit, that part of the head comes in three pieces. Two parts are the back halves of the head, and the Front is the Face. What a Putty Nightmare.