Well, while I was in Washington at the Figure show, I had to buy something. So I picked up some 54mm Figures.
Now I never have done a 54mm figure before because I have always been scared of it being so small. But I was scared of doing regular figures as well, so for everything, there is a first time.
I bought 4; I got two Star trek figures. Spock, and Picard. And I also bought two fantasy figures. One is a Succubus, and the one I pictured below is the Pit Fiend.
Doc also got the Succubus, so I thought it was only proper to do my Pit Fiend first as to not shame him in front of all his friends.
So Here he is below, all glued and puttied. Going to wait until he is dry to do the priming and then go from there.
Well, been working on my Pit Fiend. Gave him a Base coat of some dark green. And from these pictures below, I am adding some highlights to the wings and other parts of the body.
I started on the mouth by adding some red to the inside and on the lips of the creature. I will be adding white to the teeth and hopefully that will make it all come together. I have been contemplating on what color to do the eyes. I thought maybe a bright yellow would look good. Any suggestions?
I like the color yellow for the eyes, really scary looking.
Back when I read the Dragonlance novels, I got into buying lead figures. I have never tried to paint them, but maybe you can teach me how. I have a Griffin, I glued together years ago, but was afraid to mess it up trying to paint. I started the Griffin first, because it is in the Collins Family Crest.
[spock]For everything there is a first time[/spock]
I can help you out, and I know a few others here who can as well. Just paint it like you want, and then do an Oil Wash on him to give him depth and shadow.
I just sat down after doing the whites for his teeth, Nails, and the tips of his wings. Got to let him dry some more before attempting to go any further. I tend to get ambitious and work to quick. That’s when I screw up.
Looking better now. I was wondering about the eyes. Yellow looks good, but how do you feel about red pupils? I am going to use your steps to help me later on mine.
I would say the Red would look good if it were a larger figure. But he is so small, that you wouldn't be able to tell what color was what except from light to dark.
I will just give it black pupils, and probably do that with a pin.
My brother bought me lighted magnifier headgear from Harbour Freight. Without them, I could not work on models. And when I do the Dragonlance figures, I will need them.