Sure thing. I'm in the middle of some home repairs this weekend but I'll try to get them soon. Please remember that the deflector housing and (stubby) pylons are not fully developed.
I'm sure we can work something out on that. If you do plan on doing that perhaps we should work together here too so I don't design anything that would be difficult (or impossible) to mold.
Among other things the nacelles will be changed to what we see Pike using in "The Cage". Which is more work than you might realize as the current nacelles are very crude low poly monstrosities. Then there is the design work on the deflector housing and pylons. Followed by more texturing. It's not far off but these things can add up and I also tend to tweak things too much.
I got a comment. On the, I guess you still call it, engineering section, it needs some markings. I don't know if the ones on the 1701, will look right. But it needs something.
Agreed to both comments. The deflector housing is purely a placeholder right now. The overall shape will remain the same but just need to add some details like those you guys just mentioned.