Below is a picture of the scratch built antennas on the Cybermat. The base is made from two plastic parts from junk box, glued, then model putty to create the shape. The antennas themself, are made from model sprees, put over a fire, then shaped. I am happy the was they turned out.
I forgot that I had the Doctor Who Tech Manual, and it had a photo and drawing of it. Now that I have a cybermat, I still want to build K-9, full size. If 4MM ever builds his full size TARDIS, I will have to permanently borrow it.
The first picture is the done deal. The shots are without flash, just room light. Shiny ain't it. I have been wanting to build this for 20 years. Coming over here really got me going building models. Three finished in less than two months! That is more than the rest of the year.
The second shot is really scary! You have been warned!
Time for me to jump in. I haven't had much chance this week to post but I have been reading along. The Cybermat turned out really well. Nicely done. And the 1:1 scale Sontaran is excellent too.