Today is a month since Doc's Modeling Madness was hatched. Now with 32 members and growing, life is good. This is a fun place, and thanks to Doc and Tholian!
As I sit here nursing my Turkey with Coke I can but reflect upon the fact that it's been a fun month.
That post was of course crafted with the intent of provoking the very reactions that it garnered. We're I not such a twisted person I would have said something like:
"As I sit here and sip my (Wild) Turkey and Coke(-a-Cola) I can but reflect upon the fact that it's been a fun month"
I apologize to Doc for difusing this situation before we had another Scared Kitty on our hands but I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm doing weird things with actual Turkeys. Besides as I'm sure we all know there's really only one way to stimulate a Turkey. We all know that right? Right? Yes, well, um... ok then.
Four Mad Men wrote:I apologize to Doc for difusing this situation before we had another Scared Kitty on our hands but I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm doing weird things with actual Turkeys. Besides as I'm sure we all know there's really only one way to stimulate a Turkey. We all know that right? Right? Yes, well, um... ok then.
No apology necessary. I would expect nothing less of a fellow plastic butcher. I live in an area with a thriving wild turkey flock. Since turkey are Vermin (albeit tasty vermin), I enjoy breaking out my turkey calls and messing with the minds of the young toms.
Doc Wiseman Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Chance Favors the Prepared Mind. Too Dumb for Opera, too Smart for NASCAR.