Do check out this link, at Daniel's "Scratcher" site. Dan is a super talented artist who did miniatures for "Flesh Gordon II" and does amazing graphics and CG work in the industry. He has kindly posted some of my works on the front page of his site, I am honored that he thought so highly of my work. The site is a visual treat, not to be missed!
I know how you feel about TOS 1701. I know from some of the work I have done on the 22 inch, that is need alot to make it work. But until a 1/350 comes out, it will have to do. I have started on an 18 inch. Right now I am putting ST on hold to do other subjects.
The work on your 22 inch looks great. I will check on the progress. You do really great work,and I am glade to see it.
Thanks! The kit is chock fulll of errors and bad alignments, but it is the biggest TOS kit available at this time, other than MM's 66 inch version, you do have a point there. I'll be closing the Saucer section next, and on to the Engines.
Well it sure has been quiet around here, where is everybody? I'll be posting a HUGE version of the Jem Hadar Battle Cruiser on the website later today or Monday. This is the 19 inch Wingspan Resin version, a non-lighted (static) display for a client. A very accurate color scheme on a detailed Base. Anyone interested can see it on page "Bench 5", the "Ultimate Star Ships" page.
Well thanks lloyd II, I really appreciate that. The Jem Hadar is a nice display piece not a prop rendition. It is clean and no weathering applied. What I like to call a "Model Display". I'll have some pics on the site later on today.
Thanks Griff, it's a very nice display for a client. The size really makes it an interesting piece. Starcraft has certainly put out a very decent kit on this one.
I like the clean look, for my models. I feel sometimes weathering a model, just does not look right. I have not been through all of your site, but I must do it. I really like your work.
Thanks very kindly lloyd II, much appreciated. I do a lot of weathered work and clean finishes as well. It's really up to the client's not me. I will say that 2 out of 3 orders for Space Hardware includes weathering to some degree. It's really a matter of taste and it has to be done correctly. Over-weathering can really mess up a paint scheme, so you have to really do it in "baby steps", a little at a time. Do take a few moments, when you can, to go over the entire site, I'm sure a Sci-Fi buff like you will enjoy the journey!
It's so quiet here lately, here's something to liven the place up a bit! The Warp Engines on the 22 inch TOS NCC-1701 are almost finished. The "Cut-Away" kit is so bad on these, most of the details are after-market parts supplied by DLM (Dons Light and Magic) and excellent source for all things Trek. Do visit the site and check out page "On the Workbench" where some pics are posted and a quick-time film clip of the Sparkchaser LED units will hypnotize you! By next week, the entire kit will be assembled and I will begin the detail painting phase. This promises to be a build I will cry packing up, don't really want to part with this one after all these weeks of work. One of these days I am going to take the time to make one for myself!
I bought from DLM, afew years ago, his PC boards for the 22 inch. I still have to buy a few more parts, the I will put the light kit together. I will have to see about the other parts he has, for the 22 inch.
I have been too busy to check out your site, but soon.
In the case of this kit, DLM's parts made all the difference in what would have otherwise been a very inaccurate build. His decals for this version are also highly recommended.
Got a new update up last thing today fellow builders. Project is moving along at a faster pace now! Warp Engines attached and all seams are history! Detail painting to begin next week on that 22 inch TOS Enteprise NCC-1701 project. Visit the site for a peek at the latest pictures of the entire structure finally assembled (minus a Brussard Dome or two for now)