You may have noticed my limited participation here over the last month. All my free time has been spent at the hospital with my mother. I won't go into details but I can say it's terminal. This has been going on for about a year and now that it's in the final stages, denial stops working and you just have to deal with it.
I won't have much to contribute for a while. Haven't felt like building anything lately. I'll drop by when I can to see what everybody's up to.
Never put anything ahead of family, least of all a hobby. We will still be here when you feel like coming back. In the meantime, you have our prayers and best wishes.
I will be sure to light a Candle for you and your Mom. It is understandable that when things get you depressed and run down, that you do not want to do anything with the hobby, Or much of anything for that matter.
You can ask Celtic and Doc, I had a bad bought with Depression from some stress, and they thought I left the face of the Earth for a couple of years.
But also remember, it may also be good therapy to pull out a piece and keep yourself busy so your mind doesn’t stay on the one subject, and run you down. So don’t lose touch with it all together.
So be sure to know Beeb!, That our Hearts and Prayers are going out to you, and that if you need to talk about it, or anything else, we are all here for you, and you can PM us anytime.
I've been re-arranging my work area a little. That's about as much as I can concentrate on at the moment. Not fun, but a few minutes of distraction is sometimes all I need.
Really sorry to hear that. I know what you are going through. I lost my mother, this past January. She died at home, as I watched, waiting for the Rescue Squad.
My Condolences Jerry. And be sure to copy that Answering machine so you have the recording of her voice down the road. I have a recording of my Grandfather, and when I forget what he sounded like, I play it again to remind myself.
But keep one thing in mind; she is at peace now and out of all pain and misery. And she will be in your heart forever.
Friends, The most difficult time is past. Doing well my second day back at work. Know that your words helped me a great deal, and I won't soon forget it. Thanks to everyone, Jerry Terrell