Well guys, I strated working on my Keokuk kit yesterday. So far, my progress has been limited to indentifying and sorting out all the parts, and removal of the carrier from the resin parts.
I have made a few decisions on which direction I'll take in terms of additional details. I'm going to open all three deck hatches and will construct box-like structures to close off the hatch wells. I figure a ladder or stairs in each will make it look a little more finished.
I've also decieded to detail the bridge area with a ladder leading to the upper turret hatch, stairs leading from the steering platform to the gun deck. I cut the forward turret open to show off the interior, but haven't made up my mind yet as to the aft turret.
There really isn't anything of note to photograph yet, but will be posting pictures of the construction process as I proceed.
I have noticed that a number of the parts aren't cast very well, and contacted Bill Blackmore last night to seek replacements. They should arrive shortly.
Mike, how is your build going? And how do your two hull pieces match up? Mine are a little warped, and don't fit together very well. I think I'll need to engineer a solution to get the hull halfs to work.
The fit of the hull parts sucks. The way they're designed it seemed to me that the upper is supposed to overhang the lower. The lower on mine needed to be stretched to fit about 3/8" all around:
I also found that the middle of the upper hull was sunk in. I tried to fix this by having the bolts that hold it to the base rise up and push the deck up from underneath the gun decks. This worked fine fore and aft but the center is still sunk in and that's the way it's gonna have to be.
Tom, Keokuk is a Union Civil War Ironclad. She was built in a yard in NYC.
Lloydd, The kit is 1/96. I don't plan on adding any figures because I'm going to mount it on keel blocks. I like to add figures now and then to emphasize scale, but aren't planning any for this project. I will be adding additional details to many parts of the ship however.
Mike, I hear what your saying about the hull halves. I think we're both thinking along the same lines for a solution. I also thought about stretching the lower hull to fit. Mine doesn't have any major rolls to it, and is fairly straight, which may complicate things. If I had any warpage, it would be easier to bend the fit. I am also thinking about adding a number of strips to the upper hull so it just lays over the bottom. Some epoxy should fill the gap. But I haven't decided on the best course of action, yet!! Either way, it'll be challenging, to say the least!! ( Challenges like this make us better modelers. Right?!!At least that's what I keep telling myself!! )
From your picture, it looks like your lower hull section is a little different for mine. Mine has a lot of meat in the bow and stern areas. I see what you did with the stretchers, but am not sure if that will work for mine. It's really stiff.
I've decided to open all three deck hatches, and have started to build boxes from sheet plastic to close these areas off. I'll build some ladders to disappear down the rabbit holes, and make them look a little more interesting. (The hatches are hinged on the forward edge, and open to the rear)
So far, your build looks outstanding. I'll take a few shots of mine tonight when I'm working on it, and post them later.
Mike, what condidition were the blocks in in your kit? I can't use a one that came with it. I spoke to Bill Blackmore the other night, and he's sending replacements, but said he's having problems casting them due to the shape. I'm planning on using Modelship Ways fittings should the replacements not be any better than what I have now.
If you aren't using Bill's, what are you using for your rigging?
Thanks Hamy, Wasn't sure what ship you were talking about. I have always wanted to try my Hand at one of those old ships. Is that one of the Resin Kits I saw in Atlanta?
Yes sir, those are the ones that were in Lanta. Lot's of work, but am expecting good results.
I'm afraid I won't be able to put any pictures up for a while. My computer at home is having major issues, and I can't use it for anything other than a paprewieght.
I'm making progress on her, but still am having problems with the old computer. I have a bunch of photo's I'm taking during the build, and as soon as I get this fool machine worked out, I'll post them. I'll be sending it to work with the wife tommorrow, and will have one of the engineers look at it. What a PIA!!!
I managed to work out the warping issues with the two hull halfs last night. It's amazing what some hot water and a well directed hair dryer will accomplish!! I'm still plugging away at it, and am working on the turret tops. I've started adding the brass rod to the frames, and so far, I'm really happy with the way they look.
I'm continuing to shoot pictures of the build and will post them as soon as I get my home paperweight (computer) working again. Stay tuned!!!