I am sorry I have not been on this board much I have been rather busy .I know most of you may have seen this over at Hobby Talk ,but here is a link to my buildup of an ERTL smoothy refit . http://www.home.earthlink.net/~s.coffey/ERTL%20REFIT%20BUILDUP/ I have a long ways to go on it yet but I thought I would share what I have done so far. I hope you like it I will update with more pictures as I go .
That looks Awesome. Do you just have bright LED's behind the plastic to simulate the Lights that were on the outside of the hull lighting up the numbers and images? Looks cool that way.
Looking good,Steven. Did you get parts from DLM? Lights? You are brave!
Well the parts are DLM but I did not purchase them .This project is a paid build up and my client bought all the parts and sent them to me . I truely don't like recasters but what do you do if you can't find parts done by the original casters ?
That looks Awesome. Do you just have bright LED's behind the plastic to simulate the Lights that were on the outside of the hull lighting up the numbers and images? Looks cool that way.
Well the reason for the bleed through at this point is because I have not blacked out the hull yet .What I have done is I have machined LEDs to fit holes where spotlights would normally be .Like the spots going up the inside and outside of the warp pylons or up the neck that conects the two hulls together .I have even machined flat some LEDs to fit in the places where the spots light the numbers .I am still sanding seems and I should be painting the ship this week .
Sorry i did not get back to you sooner Lloyd.Here is the layout I used .Sorry if it looks kind of messy .I used more LEDs than are showing on the diagram. This is just a basic layout .