My problem is I have an idea on what to do, and sometimes it looks like it will be too long to do it, so it becomes a Shelf Collector until I get in the mood. OR, I want to do something and I still need an extra part or piece, so it sits there until I can find it.
Found a particular piece I needed the other day to build a diorama I want to do, but now it is packed in a box, so I have to wait even longer.
The K-7 is one I lost interest in, for now. I want to build other models.
One of my problems, has been the painting of them. Cans and brushes, aren't doing it. I would airbrush, but have had too much problems lately. But, I bought a new compressor, and the airbrush problem seems to be over.
For what I have done, I will post pictures, when I can.
I have joined this forum 9 days ago and I'm the only one who has posted anything in the last 9 days. Except from a welcome message from the boss. What is going on?
Ever thought of advertising your forum on Facebook? There are modelers groups on Facebook and when asked, the admins of the groups will generally let you post an add and link to your forum to promote it. Worth a shot.
I don't get over here and other forums much anymore. I have too much to do, so I spend less time online. I am glad to that both of you, Tom and Chris, are around the place. I haven't done any modeling in 4 months now, might get the time again.
Yes. I have been trying to get work around the house done. I think my first models will be Airships, like the Hindenburg. I have been gathering research material, and will start soon.
another sci-fi modeler defects. i dont feel so alone now
"They invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and
we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!
And I will make them pay for what they've done!"-Captain Jean-Luc Picard
I'm not defecting, I am just taking a break from sci-fi. Just like I took a break from ST to do other models. I like building models too much to give it up, but as Tom knows, life is cruel, to keep us away from building all the time.