I bought the K-7 1/1000 scale model from www.minimodelmadness.com. This is a photo with PL 1/1000 1701.The arms are too long for the scale, so I will be shortening them.
Here was my first light test, of the small cone and the side pod light.The black piece is a sleeved bundle of fibre optics. I used it for the side pod light, got the idea from seeing Simon working on his Bird of Prey.
Another view of the light test. I was inspired by the work of Simon's Star Trek models, to try and light my first model. This is a solid resin model, so I have to drill alot of holes for lights, and wires.
Here are two photos of the holes I am drilling. The ring is the section between the large pod and middle arm support. The white piece with the red dot on top, is the grain bin upside down. The red dot is an LED put to show where the flashing light goes, but I will use yellow for the light.The hanger pod has two blue shuttle in it. These are the shuttles I will be using. The piece with the big cone, is the top. It is vacu-formed cone.To put lights in it will mean masking off inside and out. I am going to try to cast a new one, so I only have to mask the outside.
So far everthing is moving along smoothly.I always have problems, so it is enjoyable that my plans are coming out right. Will post more photos when I get something to show.
^^Are you talking about building the model, or are you talking to someone else, about something else?
I have been working on parts of the hangar deck. I have been lucky about finding part, in the junk box, that has worked perfect. I want to make Cyano Jones's ship from DS9, but pictures are rare. I found two on William McCullars IDIC Page, but I was hopping that their are other photos. Anyone seen any? If I can't find other views, then I will best guess.
As for work, I have done some dremeling,puttying, and priming. After I drilling tomorrow,I will post some pictures. I was going to just keep on doing the hangar, but, I won't be putting it in the model till last. So I will work it in as I go along.
Uh..Uh..Ok,just don't hurt me. Thanks for the renders! Just what I needed. As for work, I have done some dremeling,puttying, and priming. After I drilling tomorrow,I will post some pictures. I was going to just keep on doing the hangar, but, I won't be putting it in the model till last. So I will work it in as I go along.
I'm glad they helped. Let me know if there is anything else you need. Are you going to add the observation galleries to the hangar bay(s)? Or will you be relying on just the image?
Also, if you don't want to do three bays you can always just scribe doors (closed doors) on the others. Just add the numbers and what-not around the opening you're in there. So to speak.
Hi MO! 4MM, I never though about adding the other hangar bays, like you mentioned. I might just go with decals, if it looks good. As for the observation galleries, below picture shows them, one with the shuttles for scale. The smaller shuttle is 13/32" long. I forgot to put a ruler by it, I will next time. More holes drilled. This is the top half of the large pod.
This picture, shows the bottom of the pod half. You can see the trench Dremeled out for the wires of the grain pod flashing light. The grain pod next to it for reference. Also, is the middle support of the station, with it's hole drilled in it.Another shot of the shuttles. Next step is to glue the large pod together,putty, and sand it.
While waiting for the putty to dry, I cut out the pieces for the hangar walls, floor, and ceiling. I put the ruler in the shot, to show the size. Thanks to Four Mad Men, for the orthos' of inside the hangar deck. With those and other pictures of the hangar deck printed, it is easier to see while I build it, on how it is surpposed to look.