Well, got myself a Polar Lights kit of the Talladega Torino. Didn't realize that I had a set of Decals for this kit I bought at the Nationals to use on a Couple of Dirt modified. So I had the decals set, and the model, and thought it would be a fun build. It won't win any prizes for sure because there are to many things wrong with it. But it is more or less a try to get something done since I haven't built anything for quite some time now.
Probably not, I got it all done, or at least I thought I had it done until I realized the exaust system wasn't done. LOL Working on it now. so have to see.
That much is true. Well, as Doc pointed out to me, the undercarriage parts were painted different colors so they could be spotted on the track if there was an accident or something fell off. Mine is just Flat Black.
Looking good! With my camera, I take sample pictures, and check on my computer, if looking good, then I take the real ones. If not, then I fix problems first.