The model show season in the Northeast begins this weekend with the NNL Show run by Tri States Model Car Club. It's in Parsippany NJ at the PAL Building on Baldwin Rd. Opens at 9 there will be 1500 model cars and trucks there as well as something like 60 vendors.
Next weekend April 1 is RepLIcon on Long island an IPMS "all Breed" show. At the Freeport Rec Ctr in Freeport. Opens at 9 a decent club show. April 2 is MASSCAR and Wings & Wheels. MASSCAR is another model car show while W&W is an IPMS all breed show. W&W is a club show that I've attended a few times.
Aptil 8th in Wayne NJ is MosquitoCon run by IPMS NJ. A great show with a large ship, plane, and Armor entry. Decent vendor list there as well.
April 28 & 29 is the AMPS National SHow and Convention. Hubbard OH is the site this year. Allegedly the venue is a museum boasting the largest collection of running WWII armored vehicles in the states.
Doc Wiseman Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Chance Favors the Prepared Mind. Too Dumb for Opera, too Smart for NASCAR.