Well, I went to the NNL, which is a Very large model car show, and what do I end up getting, a Figure Bust of Herman Munster. I cleaned him up a little, but I am not too happy with his upper teeth. Most of the time when he laughed, you didn’t see them. But these look strange like the back ones are maybe missing from the mold. So either I am going to get rid of them all together, or I will add more towards the back with putty, have to see. I am still cleaning him up and hopefully I will be putting primer on soon. Just not feeling good and everything I am doing is slow going.
Color, Problem is that I have the Dvd collection. and he is actually three different colors when seen in actual color. The show pilot, he looked Blue. In the movie right after the TV series, Munsters Go Home, He looked Greenish Grey. And in Munsters revenge, He looked Totally Green, almost too green. So I think I am going to do the Greenish Grey.
Will you paint it with brush, or airbrush? If by brush, you may want to try this trick I read about. This is for clothing. You mix unsented powder in the paint, and when you paint it, it will look like cloth. I tried this back in the 80,s, when I used to painting 1/35 figures, and it looked good.
I tried this recently when I did a vinyl 1:6 Frankenstein. I basecoated his coat a darker grey, then dampened a piece of gauze material and stretched/laid it over the coat and airbrushed black over that. ( I use acrylics, so I dampened the cloth so it wouldn't absorb a lot of paint )
I did it in sections, front of coat, back of coat, then sleeves. It came out well, looking like a barely discernable fabric pattern. Much like a 'cheap', course, or 'rustic' material. It all depends on the type guaze or material you can scrounge from the house or medicine cabinet!!
I will probably do most in Paint Brush. But the Face I will airbrush with a coat of Grey, and then again over that with green. This way it has that color. Then I will wash it with another green.
Got all kinds of Ideas, and a can of Oven Cleaner in case I don’t like it to strip it off.
Well, I have been doing some more work on Herman. I first added a Base of Gray to his face, and then I airbrushed Green.
But I thought he looked to green still, so I airbrushed the Gray over the green and I think it looks about right. Still to hard to know the true color because he was three different ones when pictured in color.
cool. one of these days i should try a figure. great job
"They invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and
we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!
And I will make them pay for what they've done!"-Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Yea, the flash of the camera can change a whole look of him. In person it looks real cool. After OI took the picture, I added the balck to the Eyes, he had makeup around those too. I am going to attept to do the Dry-brushing under his brow today. It was darker and done by the make-up artist. Hopefully that will come out ok as well. LOL
Now he is ready to be futured and then a wash. Just have to let him dry up a bit before I start. I decided to do a little dry brushing under his brow, in live pictures, he is pretty dark there, so hopefully with the wash it will look awesome.