I was wondering, and just going to run this by you. I noticed on some of the Miranda Class Starships, they had that Phaser turret, (If you want to call it that), on the front of that part that held the Top section. I hope you know what I mean. How about maybe those on the Cylinder thing between the two Engine Pylons, Know what I mean? If not, I will look for a picture somewhere.
How do you think those would look on there, even maybe as Deflectors?
I know what you mean about the Reliant. Infact I've always planned to try some Reliant detail on that area of the ship. Just to see how it looks. So here's what I've come up with.
Do I take it from your suggestion that you are not liking the deflectors? There are a couple of things on Reliant that really look like they could be deflectors but sadly the only place it makes sense to put them on this ship means they wouldn't have line-of-sight to the front (just to the backside of the upper saucer).
I myself have been most disappointed in the bridge. So I'm redoing it from the ground up. It's a tough nut and after a couple of false starts it is well on the way to being (re-)complete.
Well, I have read that after they designed the Reliant, that question was raised on where the Deflectors were, and the Designers said they totally forgot about them. So later on in another design I have seen, on the front of each of those pieces it has a Dish like Deflector like the older versions. Except for the dish being round, it was more like a rectangular shaped, yet it was a dish. Hope that describes it enough.
The Front Deflectors look great, Just wondering what you thought of doing that.
Kinda like the ones on this ship. They are in orange
Oh man, those are ripe! That's a nice build but I just don't care for the dishes at all.
If you look at those semi round structures coming out of the saucer and facing forward. Now those look like small deflector dishes to me. Especially in the closeups of the filming minature. Just look at the saucer registry and follow the lines of the around to the back. Those horizontal tubes just before the "plateu". If you follow me.
Your right. I was just wondering what it may have looked like with those Dishes set on there. But your right, That looks goo enough. What else do you want to do with it before you say it is finished.
I've got a short list of geometry changes which includes finishing the bridge rebuild, some nacelle changes, some ports and hatches, and a few more grid lines on the underside of the saucer. The rest of the list is taken up by lighting (boh interms of lighting and adding the bulbs themselves) and texturing (most notablly here are the nacelle "decals" and azteking).
On the whole there is nothing on my list stopping you from proceding with you build up, they are just things that need to be completed to call the 3d model finished and ready to render the final orthographics and a few space scenes.
Then I will probably get started. I decided to use one of the 1/350 ships for the build up. I asked Thomas to make some decals up for me, so I am hoping that I will get those soon as well.